Story: Staff
Photo: Courtesy Chanel La Bella
BM:What got you into modeling?
Chanel:A friend of mine suggested I should start modeling. I figured I would give it a shot. I've been modeling ever since.
BM:How long have you been modeling?Chanel:I've been modeling for about 4 years.
BM: Did you always want to be a model?
Chanel: No, my first love was always music. I had always wanted to be a musician as well as a singer.
BM: You want to play the "OR GAME" with us?
Chanel: Sure, I don't see why not.
I.Q. or G.Q.? I. Q
Beer or wine? Wine
Hip hop or R&B? Hmmm...that's a tough one. I love both, but if I had to make a decision I would say R&B.
Chocolate covered cherries or chocolate covered peanuts? Chocolate covered cherries
BM: Describe yourself in only two words.
Chanel: If I had to describe myself in only two words, they would be open-minded and tenacious.
BM: What is your sexiest body part?

Chanel: I've been told that my legs are the sexist part of my body.
BM: Biggest turn on's?Chanel: My biggest turn on's are guys who are smart, have a good sense of humor, assertive, physically fit, enjoys trying new things and having a good time.
BM: Biggest turn offs?Chanel: My biggest turn offs are guys who are needy, greedy, dependent, and disrespectful.
BM: If you were a type of candy what kind would you be and why?Chanel: If I were a type of candy it would be Sweet-Tarts because I'm a little bit of both. I can be sweet and nice one moment, but sharp and bitter the next.

BM: Where can your fans find more of you?
It is so weird calling people fans. Everyone can find me at www. myspace. com/chanel_la_bella at the moment. Hopefully, within the near future, I will have an official website.
BM: Is there anything else you want to say to your fans or people?
Chanel: I would like to say thanks to all the people that have supported what I do. All the messages and love has been really inspiring.
BM:Thanks Chanel for interviewing with us.
Chanel:You're welcome.
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