How I spent Birdmas

After the grand success of this year's Birdmas LarryLand video, many of you might be wondering "How did Evil Ted spend the most sacred of Basketball-related holidays, Birdmas?" Or maybe none of you are wondering that. Either way, I'm going to report on it.

I spent Birdmas this year in Cleveland, partially in an attempt to spread Birdmas cheer to a town that needed it so desperately A.L. (after LeBron), and partly because my wife's side of the family lives there.

Birdmas tradition states that the most fervent of Larry Bird supporters (that, of course, was me) dress up as Larry Legend and sit and the head of the table for the Birdmas Eve meal. Before eating, it is also tradition for Larry Legend to recite The Night Before Birdmas, which I did in my best dramatic timbre.

Birdmas Dinner

My in-laws patiently tolerated the lengthy poem as the Birdmas turkey got cold, but did look a little perturbed when I tossed the powdered sugar into the air afterward like LeBron James. Oh well. Finally it was time to carve the Birdmas Bird.

Cutting the Birdmas Bird
Look at the majestic combination of joy and
looks on the children's faces.

Now don't go thinking wrote this post just because I had some doofy pictures I took at Thanksgiving and forgot to put them in the montage at the end of the video. That totally didn't happen. And don't think my wife's family got mad because I held up Thanksgiving dinner for ten minutes and then didn't use the pictures.
This has nothing to do with that.

Anyway, I might as well take this opportunity to give you a bonus treat - the bloopers and deleted scenes from LarryLand. Expect to laugh, cry, and say things like "Yeah, I can see why that segment didn't make the cut." Enjoy! -ET

And one final bit of business: A picture of Larry Liberty was requested for PC wallpaper. Here it is. The only "watermark" is a tiny Evil Ted standing in the crown. Please don't erase me!

Larry Liberty

Oh, and it was also pointed out to me that I missed the detail of wearing long tube socks in my Michael Cooper tornado segment. Agreed, I missed it, and will go to my grave wishing I'd thought of it.

Or I won't care at of the two.

However, as far as player costumes go, there is one detail nobody has thus far noticed.
Here is your challenge should you accept it: find the extremely minute detail in Basketbawful's Laimbeer costume. Hint: You can see it briefly in the terrace scene. Good luck!


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