Sierra Starr - On The Rise

Story: Staff
Photos: Submitted by Sierra Starr
Additional Graphics: by 19th Letter

Sierra Starr is from Springfield, Massachusetts.

Let's put on our snow boots and catch up with this model on the fast track to rise up in the modeling game!

Most of the time the best models that we have come across are from Florida, New York or California. Now before everybody else gets mad at us, Ms. Sierra Starr has already put us in our place and proved us wrong at the same time! Believe it or not Sierra Star is from Springfield. We don't know alot about Massachusetts expect they seem to like the letter "s" a whole lot! After seeing Sierra Starr we believe too in the glory that is the 19th letter of our alphabet. This 21 year old model is all over the place these days. Magazines, websites her name just keeps showing up and for good reason. We got a chance to sit down with the beauty for a little one on one.
So Sierra how did you get started in modeling?
Sierra Star: At a car show in 2005, alot of people were asking me to take pictures with their cars. They thought I was a model. I knew then that people loved me and I'm an attention grabber. So once I graduated from high school, I began my quest to get noticed more and more. Well you sure got our attention! What are your measurements anyway?
Sierra Starr: 34-26-38 How long have you been modeling now?
Sierra Starr: I'd say roughly three years. What do you think is your sexiest body part?
Sierra Starr: My full lips. What was the best advise anyone has ever given to you?

Sierra Starr:
You can do whatever the f*ck you want. That is good advise to get what you want out of life. We love your look! What is your ethnic background?
Sierra Starr: I'm Italian then Hispanic, Black & American Indian. Whe
re are you from and what was it like growing up there?
Sierra Starr: I'm from Springfield, MA. A small little city with a lot of talent waiting to come out rather it be models or musical artists. Everyone here is just trying to be somebody so there is a lot of dreamers there. Yeah, we have that here too. I guess everybody wants to be a star these days right? So what type of kid were you growing up? Were you girlie or a tomboy?
Sierra Starr: I was a little of both actually. I skateboarded and got my nails done as a kid.

A little of both..okay. So you been at it
a couple of years, what do you like or dislike about modeling so far?
Sierra Starr: I love the creativity in it, I love that some types of modeling are so easy and movement just comes naturally. I hate the stereotypes and I hate that modeling is all about critiquing. Whats in one month will be out by the time your milk spoils. That's funny...but very true. Things change pretty quick in this industry, so you got to keep changing with it. Like water. Water adapts to it's environment. When it get hot, it turns to steam. When it gets cold, it turns to ice. Speaking of liquids..if you could pick a drink that best describes you what would it be and why? please don't say milk(laughing).
Sierra Starr: Absolute Vodka, love it, it gets straight to the point me (laughing). That's pretty good. So what other talents do you have outside of modeling?
Sierra Starr: I draw, I'm a portrait illustrator. I'm pretty crafty with my hands, I love being creative. I like acting as well, think I'm pretty good. I played Sandy in a Grease play. What advise could you give someone who wants to start modeling?
Sierra Starr: Be careful of the scams if you are a young girl looking to model in a small city!
: So what is next for Sierra Starr?

Sierra Starr: I'm traveling back and forth between here and NJ, doing interviews, shoots etc. I have two magazines in the near future. One is in California, the other in New York. She keeps busy. Here is where you can check out more of Sierra Starr!

Thanks Sierra. Please come back and visit our little mag anytime you want!


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