Battle Tested Sade Releases New Single

New Single "Soldier Of Love"

Story by: Staff

Sade is back after an almost 10 year hibernation from the music scene. Miss.Adu (now 50 years of age, but looks 35) has finally released the lead single for her upcoming album of the same name "Soldier Of Love." The buzz started last spring when leaks on the internet started to pop up that she was in the studio working on new material. The then rumored November 09' release date has now been moved to February 8th 2010. As a huge Sade fan, I couldn't wait to hear her new single "Soldier Of Love" After listening to it a couple of times it was well worth the wait. The song starts with the sound of a north wind and then the sound of a sax and piano join in to form an almost high noon at the O.K. Corral feel. Kanye West drops in the beat with great drum rolls, but when you hear that voice. The voice that we all know and love, well, it just takes you to another place. A place that is familiar yet somehow different then we have ever went with Sade.The band sounds tighter than ever and Sade's voice is still pure magic. Kayne's production is nothing short of amazing. The only thing I didn't like was the vocal insert of "ho's" that seem to come from nowhere and quite frankly don't really work here. It seems to give the song a dated (mid 90's) club or party feel which is not what you feel when listening to this song. This is a battle song for love that could have been done without those vocal additions. All and all this is a strong lead single and we think one of Sade's best songs ever! (FIVE STARS) We can't wait to hear more from her.


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