'Tis the day before Birdmas

larry claus

'Tis the day before Birdmas...

...so you'd better go out and buy some protective headgear, because this year's epic Birdmas video is going to kick your head's ass. In a good way.

If you need a teaser, how's this: To support the cause, I reluctantly donned an unnamed NBA player's official jersey...one nobody ever thought I'd wear. And a wig.

If you need your fix of crappy basketball from last weekend, check out the BAD comments.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to sing a few verses of Silent Forum.

Editor's note: Yeah, I know this is kinda like me copping out of my usual Worst of the Weekend post. So if anybody wants my views on anything that happened over the weekend, ask away in the comments and I promise to reply.


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